Research Overview

Work From Home and Cityscape

Experience the transformative shift in work dynamics worldwide. Fueled by factors like flexibility and propelled by the seismic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, remote work, particularly Working From Home (WFH), has become a prevailing trend. This change in work culture is not merely a temporary response but a catalyst for a prolonged paradigm shift in workplaces globally.

As the emphasis on proximity to the workplace diminishes, individuals are opting for relocations to suburban areas, seeking affordable housing options without compromising living standards. This evolution in the work landscape intertwines with broader implications for cities—altering socioeconomic structures, reshaping urban landscapes, and influencing environmental dynamics.

Join us on this exploration of a dynamic era where work and living spaces converge, uncovering the profound effects of this transformative journey on cities, society, and the natural environment. Welcome to a new era in the world of work and living.